
Fitness for less: Low-cost ways to shape up

Take advantage of everyday opportunities

You don't need a gym or special equipment for an aerobic workout. Any aerobic exercise, from walking to mowing the lawn, can have benefits. Aim to include at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity in your day on most days of the week. This can even be done in short bursts of activity during the day. With a little foresight, activities you may take for granted can become part of your fitness routine.

  • Step it up. Take a brisk walk every day, whether it's in your neighborhood or a local mall, or on a break from work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or make a full workout of climbing the stairs. Sneak in extra steps whenever you can by parking farther away from your destination.
  • Make housework a workout. Weed the garden, rake the leaves or shovel the snow. And indoor activities such as vacuuming, sweeping and scrubbing count as a workout if you increase your heart rate.
  • Play with your kids. If you have children, don't just watch them play. Join them for a game of tag or kickball. Walk them to the park. Dance. Take a family bike ride. Go to a community pool. Even if you don't swim, you can enjoy time in the water or walk in the shallow end. Do your kids play video games? If so, plug in with them and swing a virtual tennis racket or do a little boxing.

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